Recent research has proven conclusively that people recover more quickly when they have a support system.
Making the right decisions to maintain a healthy lifestyle can be tough. Homeo-Herbal clinic is here to provide the support you need so you can achieve health success.
Offering a fast,
natural and preventive cure via a 3-fold
(a) Provides a permanent solution
(b) Removes the body tendency to reproduce the same disease repeatedly when it is disordered or diseased
(c) Removes the obstacles in the body, interfering in attaining a permanent cure
(d) Removes peculiar personal characteristic symptom or condition which does not fall in the domain of diagnosis
(e) Dissolves unwanted bone growth ;to dissolve blood clots and retards tissue degeneration.
(a) Provides fast relief of the distressing symptoms or conditions
(b) Strengthens the body’s tissues and organs which have become weak and fragile due to disease, toxin, over drugging and noxious addictions
(c) Enhances the body’s capability to correct itself against the disease, toxic conditions and inimical forces as per the theory of Osteopathy
As used in some
(a) Heal wounds and ulcers;
to remove acne and pigmentation on skin
(b) Act as an astringent in cases of bleeding, loss of elasticity of tissue, and wrinkles
(c) Act as a moisturizer to dry skin
(d) Act as an anodyne to remove pain
(e) Act as an elixir to increase the life span of a hair and stop abnormal hair falling
(f) Act as an inhibitor to
stop exfoliation, thereby stop dandruff
Apart from the Curative Aspect of this treatment as mentioned above, there is another aspect- the Preventive Aspect. The modus operandi of this Homoeo-herbal treatment provides prevention of further deterioration of the existing disease; prevention of the complication and sequela of the existing disease and strives to save the human community from unnecessary suffering due to the progressive and deteriorative pathology. It helps to slow down or stop almost all types of degenerative diseases, which are not so done by conventional treatment.
Homeo Herbal Clinic by Dr.
Hussain T. Madrasi is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
Unported License